Simple Rules for Your Teenage Driver

The leap into adulthood by becoming a driver for the first time is one of the most significant rites of passage for teenagers. We know parents take this important step in life very seriously. That’s why we wanted to share with you this prescient message on how to guide young people as they tackle the great responsibility of driving.

Check out these simple rules for your teenage driver:

Sarasota Teen Driver

Understand State Laws

Not every state has the same regulations. Florida could be vastly different from Washington or Nebraska. It’s incumbent upon parents and teenagers to have a firm grasp of the “rules of the road.” Some places have restrictions on the times teenagers can drive. Others have regulations on how many passengers can accompany a new driver.

When The Sun Goes Down, The Car Gets Parked

Driving at nighttime comes with a litany of obstacles and difficulties that don’t occur during the day (less visibility, potentially more impaired/intoxicated drivers, etc.). For that reason, it may be wise to enforce a driving curfew on teenagers, contingent upon them gaining more experience behind the wheel.

Sometimes Teenagers Just Don’t Understand

It’s important to explain things as much and as carefully as possible with teenagers. You can’t expect them to see eye-to-eye with you on every facet, but if you avail yourselves to good communication, you might be surprised at how willing they are to abide by the ground rules you set for driving.

Drive Safe, Drive Alone

Harking back to point number one, many states forbid young people from having passengers with them for at least six months. The logic behind such a restriction comes from the tendency for young drivers to get distracted by others who might divert their attention away from driving.

Enforce The Rules

It does no good to have rules without any enforcement. Difficult as it may be, you might have to be strict on your teenagers if they fail to comply with your expectations. Don’t be afraid to do this because the legitimacy of your authority could come into question (in the child’s mind) if you fail to enforce driving rules.

Sarasota Car Sales takes vehicle safety and the guidance of young drivers seriously. We possess a commitment to detail, so we leave no stone unturned. We hope you enjoyed these commonsense suggestions and will consider using them to help your teenager get used to driving.
Need an affordable vehicle for your teenage driver?

Don’t forget to check out our inventory of used cars. If you would like to view anything we have in person, head on over to see us at 1683 Cattlemen Road in Sarasota. We’re open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. We even keep hours on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call us with any questions at 941-925-7150 or email us at