You Can Easily Do These Car Maintenance Tasks Yourself

Owning a car is a significant responsibility. You want to care for your vehicle to help it last as long as possible. Taking your vehicle to the mechanic is a key part of caring for your vehicle, but it can also be expensive. To take care of your car, while also saving money, here are five car maintenance tasks you can do yourself:

Checking Tire Pressure

Your tires are one of the most important parts of your car. Checking the pressure of these tires should become part of your vehicle maintenance routine. To check the pressure, remove the cap from the tire’s valve and attach a gauge to the valve. The gauge will tell you the level of pressure in the tires. Check your owner’s manual or driver’s side door frame to find the recommended PSI for your car. Then, make adjustments as needed by either letting out the air or adding air with a compressor.

Your vehicle functions thanks to several different fluids. You likely already know how to pump your own gas, but you can also learn to check your oil, transmission fluid, wiper fluid, and radiator coolant levels.

Windshield wipers can make all the difference in rough weather conditions. You want to make sure your wipers are always working to be sure you’re covered if the weather changes. You can replace your wiper blades every six months on your own.

Jumpstarting your car is a must when the battery fails. Car batteries run out of juice, just like the batteries of any other machine or device. When the battery fails, you should replace it, but sometimes you need to jump your car to get to the mechanic. You will need jumper cables and another car to jumpstart your car. You can also find jump cables that connect to an independent battery.

Lastly, you can change a flat tire on your own. To be sure you’re prepared to change your tire, keep a spare and a jack in your vehicle.

These car maintenance tasks can be done on your own. When you learn how to do these things by yourself, you can save money and maintain your vehicle for years to come. Now that you know how to care for your car, you’re ready to shop at Sarasota Car Sales. To learn about our inventory, give us a call at (941) 925-7150 or visit us at 1683 Cattlemen Road in Sarasota.